세미나 소식

2022 년 휴먼기계바이오공학부 전공세미나(11.23 박한규 교수님)

  • 작성일 : 2022-11-17
  • 조회수 : 338
  • 작성자 : 휴먼기계바이오공학부

Sensory Neuroprosthesis and Motor Function Recovery

 Our central nervous system(CNS) is very conservative in change and sensory information is critical to rewire the CNS. To effectively communicate with the CNS and facilitate the needed change, sensory info needs to be delivered in an engineered way. To this end, I am focusing on three important factors:1) Sensory augmentation, 2) Multisensory matching, and 3) System integration. The system having these sensory modulation functions is called as sensory neuroprosthesis, which can significantly enhance the efficiency of motor rehabilitation and motor learning. Our laboratory(Integrated neuro-prosthesis lab) tests the effect of sensory neuroprosthesis on motor rehabilitation and motor learning, through human and animal experiments.

- 시간:2022 년 11 월 23 일 (수요일)오후 15:30~16:45

- 장소:아산공학관 102 호

- 연사:박한규 교수 (성균관대학교 글로벌바이오메디컬공학과)

- 초청:류석창 교수 (휴먼기계바이오공학부,scryu@ewha.ac.kr)